You may like to register as a Jal Rakshak using any of the option below.
Alternatively, you can login using your Social Media account and become a member of the Jal Rakshak Water Guardian Network

Jal Rakshak
Water Wise Individuals sharing their personal work and thoughts on Water Conservation.
You are an individual who, voluntarily, does water conservation or spreads awareness about it. You could be doing this in your own home, your locality, school, institution, workplace or online!
The scale does not matter too – whether you impact 5 people or 5 million, whether you save 5 litres or 5 billion, you are a Jal Rakshak because you care for Water.

Jal Rakshak Institution
Non-Profits, RWAs, Social Groups, Schools, Colleges and other Institutions sharing their work for Water Security.
You are an institution that, voluntarily, does water conservation or spreads awareness about it. You could be doing this in your premises, community or online through your employees / members! The scale of your work does not matter.
You are a Jal Rakshak Institution because you care for Water.

Jal Raksha Marketplace
Companies offering products and services for Jal Rakshak’s work for Water.
You are a business that provides design, construction or plumbing other products & services for water conservation.
Your business size does not matter. What is important is that you provide quality products and services for Water Security

Water Guardian
You are a Jal Rakshak trained to be a Community Water Expert.
To become a Water Guardian, enroll in the online ‘Water Guardian Fellowship’ program (Fee – Rs. 2,995). The program comprises of 10 modules of 2 sessions each. FORCE will promote and support you as your area’s water expert for water conservation projects. You may like to check out the program details.