Water Guardian Fellowship Program






This fellowship program is to create local water experts who have the necessary knowledge, information about technologies, expertise, networks and desire to create water security in their areas. Water Guardians can be relied upon to educate the public and design and implement water security projects in their areas of influence.


The program consist of 10 Modules of 2 sessions each


The program will be taught using the following tools and formats: 1) Presentations and related course material for each module will be available on the web portal. 2) From 11 am to 12 noon on every Tuesday and Friday, the instructor will be available to answer any queries related to the module. 3) Queries about previous modules may be emailed to the instructor and shall be responded to within 3 working days. 4) Water Guardian Fellowship Program users will upload their handwritten or typed assignments in pdf or jpg format on their profile pages of the course or email the same to the instructor on the specified email. 5) Trainees will upload their social media assignments on the FORCE Facebook and Twitter handles.


  Module Session Description
1a Induction Water Guardians – Need & Role Need for Water Security and the role that Water Guardians can play
1b WG Fellowship Program – Overview An overview of the program, expectation setting. Earning Water Carats and Credits
2a Water Policy National Issues, Policy and schemes at National level
2b State/City Issues, Policy and schemes in Delhi
3a 5R’s The 5 R’s Overview Overview of the 5 R’s, potential for integrated planning for 5R’s
3b 5R’s in practice Practical examples from Delhi. Earning Water Carats and Credits from the 5 R’s
4a Reduce Wastage In Pipes, plumbing  and Infrastructure Understanding water distribution at locality and household level & reducing waste at each
4b In Common areas & gardens How to use water efficiently in gardens and common areas.
5a Mid Program Review 5Ps Revision, reflection & discussion Open house discussion and revision of the modules discussed so far
5b 5Ps of safe water Managing water infrastructure at 5 levels to ensure safe water at usage point
6a Rainwater Harvesting Overview of RWH Need for and types RWH
6b RWH design Design and construction guidelines for RWH
7a Revive Water Bodies Need for & methods of WB revival Overview of the role, numbers, types and revival methods for typical water bodies
8b Restoring WB health Constructed wetland method of WB revival
8a Water Quality Understanding Water quality Water quality analysis, interpretation of results, standards and desirable limits
8b Upgrading Water Quality Methods of water quality improvement at household and locality level
9a Water Secure Plan Water Budgeting Preparing the Water Budget for your locality
9b Water Quality Matching Identifying Water Quality and matching quality with usage needs
9c Preparing a WS plan Preparing a consolidated Water Security Plan for an area
10 Actioning off Water Security Plan Mobilizing people and resources Principles of community, government and resource mobilization for implementing Water Security Plan for your area