
About Jal Rakshak & Water Guardian Network
A FORCE for Water Security

Genesis of Jal Rakshak and Water Guardian Network 

Water is so intimately woven into our lives, that creating a Water Secure World is impossible without the committed participation of each individual.

Over the years, we at FORCE have learnt that the best solutions for Water problems come from Water Wise citizens themselves. The Jal Rakshak and Water Guardian network was born out of our desire to highlight, empower, connect and reward such Water Wise citizens.

Jal Rakshak

You are a Jal Rakshak if you are an individual or institution who, voluntarily, does water conservation or spreads awareness about it. You could be doing this in your own home, your locality, school, institution, workplace or online! The scale does not matter too – whether you impact 5 people or 5 million, whether you save 5 litres or 5 billion, you are a Jal Rakshak because you care for Water.

Register as a Jal Rakshak to join the Jal Rakshak community. Share your achievements, help create your city’s Water Security database and learn about the FORCE 5 R’s of Water Conservation and from the work of other Jal Rakshaks. We will also be awarding you Water Carats (1 WCa for 10,000 litres of annual water saving) and Water Credits (1WCr for 100 people made aware about Water Conservation). Over the year, we will reach out to you with offers and schemes to thank you for your contribution to water security. Every World Water Day (March 22) we will also be felicitating Jal Rakshaks with the maximum Water Carats and Water Credits in their cities / districts.

Click here to register as a JAL RAKSHAK

Water Guardian

Water Guardians is a network of people who have the desire, knowledge and skills to take on leadership roles in creating water secure communities.

To become a Water Guardian, you will need to enroll in the online ‘Water Guardian Fellowship’ program and complete it. This is a 10 session online training program aimed at making you the water expert of your area. (Fee – Rs. 2,995).

Through teaching modules, case studies and application activities, you will add to your knowledge and skills on this topic. Once you complete the Water Guardian Fellowship Program successfully, you will be a Certified Water Guardian.

FORCE will promote and support you as your area’s water expert who can be relied upon to help solve water problems and become water secure.

Water Carats and Credits will be awarded to you for the activities you do as a part of the Water Guardian Fellowship Program and later as a Water Guardian.

Click here to read more and register as a WATER GUARDIAN FELLOW.

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